The word “stress” often carries a negative connotation
with it due to its association with unpleasant side effects.
But here’s the thing: stress
is simply how the brain and body responds to any given stimulus that requires a change or adaptation.  Therefore, stress is actually a good thing because it allows you to
adapt to new situations, and to keep on keepin’ on.
In fact, there is a correlation between stress levels and performance.
 The Yerkes-Dodson
states that the correlation between performance and
physiological or mental arousal (stress) takes the shape of an inverted
U-curve.  That is, your performance in
life is positively impacted by
stress, up to a point.  Once stress
levels pass a certain threshold, performance decreases due to increased
Essentially, stress is not inherently bad, but as with
most things in life, there can be too much of a good thing.  The key to harnessing
stress in a positive way is multifaceted: recognize your stress levels, and
change your reactions to necessary stressors by managing them.
The first step to managing stress is to recognize that it
is there and to acknowledge the degree to
which it is present.  Physical signs of
excessive stress can include decreased energy, headaches, trouble sleeping,
muscle tension, accelerated heart rate, and more.
However, there are less obvious but equally important
mental clues: mental exhaustion, feelings of depression or anxiety, or frequent
and intense mood swings.  By being cued
into what you are experiencing and recognizing your stress levels, you’ll be
able to manage them before they get worse, and ensure you stay on the positive
side of the Yerkes-Dodson U-curve.
Once you have recognized your stress levels, it’s time to
manage them!  To do so, you need to
create a balance between activities/habits aimed at maintaining your physical
health AND your mental health.  This
combination will decrease the perceived threat to your body and aid your brain
in returning to healthy stress levels.
To take care of your physical health, it’s important to
prioritize whole nutrient-rich foods, exercise often, and adhere to a
consistent and healthy sleep schedule.  To
care for the mental aspect, try to prioritize hobbies, spend time alone (or
time with loved ones, whatever rejuvenates you most), and establish morning and
bedtime routines to relax and unwind.
Of course, there’s really nothing quite like a relaxing
to get your mind off of things and help you HARNESS your
#therapeuticmassage, #corporatewellness, #massage, #wellness, #stress,
#healthylifestyle, #energy, #stressmanagement