When Healing Hands was first founded, we only offered massage services. So admittedly, massage has a special place in our hearts. However, today we offer so much more. Lately our clients have been loving one of our other services: Zumba. Here’s why we think you will too.
Zumba has many unique aspects that make it the perfect addition to your employee’s workday break. Firstly, it’s just plain fun. The workday can sometimes drag on and employees may find themselves feeling drained, sleepy, and bored.
Fortunately, Zumba takes care of this. In addition to providing a good heart-pumping workout that will get employees feeling engaged and happy, it also promotes connection. This quality sets Zumba apart from many other forms of exercise.

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It’s also important to note that while Zumba provides a good workout that emphasizes connection, a short workout won’t cause employees to break a heavy sweat in the middle of the workday (because who wants that?).
If your employees tend to be extra busy towards the end of the day – when it makes more sense to engage in intense exercise – then Zumba could be a great option. Many of our corporate wellness customers choose to use their employee’s lunch breaks as the time to offer Zumba classes.
It’s guaranteed to provide a better pick-me-up than the usual midday coffee…just sayin’.
If your employees would benefit from a little boost in energy and enhanced camaraderie, talk to us today about bringing Zumba to your company.