recently published a refreshing article summarizing some takeaways from the International Positive Psychology Association’s World Congress that was recently held virtually, regarding the positive effects of the pandemic. We are all very aware of the negatives (isn’t that a long list!). However, as with most things in life, there has been a silver lining, namely this:

We learned to be well, and to prioritize well-being.


As individuals, this is great news. As employers, not so much. Why? It means the pressure on employers to aid in their employee’s wellness has skyrocketed. In fact, the workplace is experiencing a huge turnover rate. Employees are quitting jobs left and right in search of more flexible work, higher pay, and better benefits in order to prioritize their well-being. This has been dubbed the Great Resignation.

However, since this is not a negative article but a positive one, we’re not here to tell you you’re going to lose your top talent, we’re here to tell you how to keep it! Here are 3 tips to help you out:


  • Be proactive: Don’t wait to find out your employees are unsatisfied upon being handed a letter of resignation. Take initiative and regularly check in with your team. Ask them what they want, what they need, what they like and dislike. If you’re surprised by someone leaving, that may mean you weren’t paying enough attention in the first place.


  • Be creative: One of the difficulties arising from the Great Resignation is that salaries are becoming increasingly inflated. If you’re unable to compete with the rising numbers, be creative. Salary isn’t the only thing an employee looks at. This is where we come in; sweeten your overall employment package by offering different – and more creative – perks. Like…a wellness program that can be done onsite or virtually and therefore supports the hybrid work model that employees are looking for.


  • Be open-minded: Times are changing. It’s not enough to just listen to the feedback employees give, you need to actually implement it. Instead of worrying that offering more PTO, flexible work, or wellness perks will reduce employee productivity, trust that it will actually motivate employees by making them feel heard and valued.